Blockchain Applications
Case Study: Consortium Chain Settlement Systems
Along with Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank (台北富邦銀行), AMIS was granted by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) to enter the financial technology sandbox experiment program. (news link). In this program, Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank and Taishin International Bank (台新銀行) uses AMIS backed consortium blockchain technology in the domestic fund transfer and payment services.

Hierarchical Threshold Signature
Case study: Hierarchical Threshold Signature Asset Custody
In a financial institution, when a customer wants to withdraw a large amount of asset, it will need to go through at least three levels of authorizations, from the customer, clerk, and regional manager. The same process can apply to crypto assets empowered by hierarchical threshold signature scheme (HTSS). By defining three level of shares and distributing the share to customer, clerks, and regional manager accordingly, each party would hold a share, but no one can withdraw the asset without all other parties.

Blockchain Consulting
AMIS offers various range of consulting services including:
• Asset custody: DeFi multisig wallet, hot/warm/cold wallet, and threshold signature wallet.
• Private/consortium chain: applications and node management.
• Cryptography: hierarchical threshold signature applications, secure multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption, and zero knowledge proof.
• Blockchain technology: consensus and cross chain technologies.